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Key Information


School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office.

  1. Admissions Policy 2024-25pdf
  2. Anaphylaxis Policy 2024-25pdf
  3. Anti Bullying Policy 2024-25pdf
  4. Asthma Policy 2024-25pdf
  5. Attendance Policy 2024-25pdf
  6. Behaviour Policy 2024-25 pdf
  7. Better Behaved Booklet 2024-25pdf
  8. Charging and Remissions Policy 2024-25pdf
  9. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025 pdf
  10. Home School Agreement 2024-25pdf
  11. Homework Policy 2024-25pdf
  12. Intimate Care Policy 2024-25pdf
  13. Packed Lunch Guidance for Parents 2024-25pdf
  14. Positive Handling Policy 2024-25pdf
  15. SEND Policy 2024-2025pdf
  16. Single Equality Policy 2024-25pdf
  17. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2024-25pdf
  18. Suspensions and Exclusions Policy 2024-25pdf
  19. Academy cleaning, policy procedures and risk assessment September 2023pdf
  20. ANTI-FRAUD, CORRUPTION POLICY September 2023pdf
  21. Anti-Modern Slavery Letter 2022-23pdf
  22. Board of Directors Financial Delegation Statement recommended to the Board July 2021pdf
  23. CCTV Policy September 2023pdf
  24. Competitive Tendering Policy September 2023pdf
  25. Complaints Policy 2023pdf
  26. Data Protection Policy September 2023pdf
  27. E-Safety Policypdf
  28. EAL Policypdf
  29. Educational Visits Policypdf
  30. Equality and Accessibility Plan Policypdf
  31. First Aid Policypdf
  32. Fire Safety Policy September 2023pdf
  33. Freedom of Information Policy September 2023pdf
  34. Gifts and Hospitality Policy 2023pdf
  35. Health & Safety Policy September 2023pdf
  36. Home-School Partnership Keeping Things Positive 2023pdf
  37. ICT, Internet and Email Acceptable Use Policy September 2023pdf
  38. Modern Slavery Statement for website September 2023pdf
  39. Privacy notice for Board Directors, Academy Council members and volunteers 2023pdf
  40. Privacy notice for job applicants 2023pdf
  41. Privacy notice for parents and carers use of your child's personal data 2023pdf
  42. Privacy notice for parents and carers use of your personal data 2023pdf
  43. Privacy notice for staff 2023pdf
  44. Privacy notice for suppliers of goods and services 2023pdf
  45. Privacy notice for visitor 2023pdf
  46. Pupils Walking Home Policypdf
  47. Relationships Education Policypdf
  48. Remote Access Policy 2023pdf
  49. Risk Assessment Policypdf
  50. Safer Recruitment & Selection Policy and Procedurepdf
  51. Smoke Free Policy September 2023pdf
  52. Social Media Policy September 2023pdf
  53. Whistle-Blowing Policy 2023pdf