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The GJA Curriculum

The GJA Curriculum

The Godolphin curriculum is ambitious and future-focused to equip our pupils to thrive in the world of tomorrow. We are committed to making sure each and every pupil is a confident, successful individual who is proud of their achievements and their special and unique qualities.

‘Godolphin Grows Success’ is the driving force to ensure everyone, every day, is determined to achieve their personal best. 

GJA Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Implementation

Please see the curriculum overviews for each year group below. 

Curriculum Impact

The impact of our curriculum is to develop learners who are confident, socially adept and prepared for their next stage of education. Our learners are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to continue to make good progress as well as contribute positively to society in modern day Britain.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Use of formative and summative assessments to assess the standards our pupils are meeting in their learning
  • Measuring how much knowledge pupils have acquired through regular low-stakes quizzing
  • Regular opportunities for pupil voice so that our pupils can articulate what they have learnt and what knowledge they have remembered over time
  • Revisiting our curriculum vocabulary at the end of each half term to demonstrate how much new vocabulary was learnt and applied
  • Celebrations of success to share and reward progress across a range of subjects

If you would like any further information about our school's curriculum, please email for further details.