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The P.E. Department at The Godolphin Junior Academy is an ambitious, exciting department, popular amongst pupils and has a reputation for excellence in sport and physical education. At our academy, we aim to provide every child with a tailored curriculum challenging their mental and physical capabilities.

We recognise the importance of daily physical activity and how fundamental this is for children’s physical, mental and social wellbeing. At Godolphin we recognise the vital importance and positive role of Physical Education for every child's physical, cognitive and social development as well as their health and wellbeing. 

We believe that every child deserves to take enjoyment from physical activity and therefore we aspire to give children a range of opportunities by varying the sports we offer in our curriculum and through extracurricular school enrichment. We are committed to achieving maximum participation for all children whilst recognising the need for equal opportunities on the grounds of gender and children’s specific individual needs.

Our vision is to ensure that pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Develop social, creative, cognitive, and personal as well as are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Understand the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle and having a balanced diet.
  • Embed the importance of ‘Active Movement’.
  • Decrease their obesity levels – (Active Lives Survey)
  • Increase the number of children that can swim competently.
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • Provided opportunities to further develop if gifted and talented, internally and externally.
  • SEND children are engage within PE and encouraged to take part in competitive sports.
  • Have opportunities to lead and develop leadership skills.

Olympic and Paralympic values are promoted through PE and School Sport:

  • Friendship
  • Courage
  • Inspiration
  • Determination
  • Equality
  • Respect
  • Excellence

Young Leaders

The Godolphin Junior Academy values the importance of leadership, our sports coaches select pupils to ‘young leaders’. The young leaders have a weekly training session to teach leadership skills and qualities. Our sports coaches mentor and support the young leaders through their own leadership journey and in turn they help and support their peers adhering to the following philosophy:

  • To act as a role model at all times
  • Help, inspire and support others
  • To improve their own leadership skills

Young leader’s roles and responsibilities:

  • Help at school Events e.g. Parents Evening
  • Plan and lead whole school fundraising events such as Sports Relief
  • Lead break/lunch time activities
  • Show visitors around the school
  • Plan and lead sports day
  • Help office admin
  • Lunch Duties
  • Playground buddies

GJA Physical Education Concepts (Real PE)


Specialist sports coaches’ work alongside teachers to provide structured and engaging PE curriculum that challenges all pupils. Physical Education (PE) is taught in school through seven different aspects: Invasion Games, Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Multiskills, Health & Fitness and Swimming (Year 4). The children get two hours of PE per week taught by our specialist PE team.

Our sports coaches provided a wide range of clubs, before school, at lunch time and after school. Breakfast club takes place before school every day and is open to all pupils. The children take part in a 30 minute fun physical activity and then enjoy a healthy breakfast. We are committed to exposing our pupils to as many sports and activities as possible, our sports coaches lead a variety of sports clubs each term, such as; BISI Badminton, Tri Golf, Athletics, Futsal, Dodgeball, Basketball, tablet tennis.

Our PE curriculum combines skill based lessons, real PE and sports specific sessions to make the lessons varied and enjoyable for all pupils. We aim to expose all pupils to competitive sports and provide opportunities to compete in sports and activities in school as well as in the local and wider community.

When children first start with us, we focus on developing the fundamental movement’s skills such as agility, balance and co-ordination and our experienced coaching team get children active and enjoying being physical. Pupils in the lower school learn, develop and consolidate basic skills. Pupils are taught how to use equipment safely and correctly. Pupils at Godolphin enjoy gymnastics dance and yoga, learning balance, shapes and how to create a range of shapes with their body.

In the upper school pupils consolidate and acquire more complex skills, learning a range of ways to warm up and cool down. Pupils are taught the basic fitness components. Children will learn rules to games and play in the correct format. Children learn games such as; Football, Hockey, Tag Rugby, Cricket Tennis, Athletics and Basketball.

Coaches use the ‘REAL PE’ and ‘REAL GYM’ scheme to ensure progression and challenge, while the sports coaches offer expertise and specialist training in their particular field 'Real PE' is a philosophy and approach which helps ALL children develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. It places the learner at the heart of practice with the ultimate goal of children feeling valued, included, challenged and supported in their learning." (Create Development). A central focus of real PE is the development of the fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination. 

realPE -

At our academy we regularly encourage our pupils to participate and join sports clubs outside of school. To further engage our pupils we have links with many local and national organisations. As part of our long standing affiliation with SSSN our PE department has partnerships with many external specialist PE providers both locally and in the wider community, such as;

Berkshire Cricket - 

Active Movement -

London Irish – Rugby -

Creative Academy -

The FA -

GTD Tennis –

Slough Rugby Club

Slough Hockey Club

Marish Wizard Football club

The Powerleague Slough

Slough Town FC

Assessment and Recording

PE development and progress is monitored and recorded by the end of each topic. Sports coaches assess children’s knowledge, understanding and skills using a variety of IT such as; tablets, laptops videos pictures to regularly record personal bests, performance, progress and achievements. Pupils are also encouraged to self-assess, record performance and improve on personal bests.

After the assessment grids have been updated, the PE team analyses the data and provides feedback to the parents and pupils. Using the assessment data the PE department identify areas with the subject that need focus and improvement. Sports coaches are constantly analysing strengths and weakness with the department and themselves to further improve the provision provided to the children. Sports coaches are experienced and regularly partake in training to keep up to date with good practice and provide high quality PE to our pupils.


PE is valued at our Academy, Feedback from pupils and parents is collected regularly and is generally positive. Our proactive attitude towards PE and our commitment to providing a fun, engaging curriculum to our pupils has seen our academy receive positive feedback from OFSTED and also receive two Gold Sainsbury’s School games awards. Our PE assessment data shows that most children are consistently making the expected progress and our school sports teams have won many competitions at a local, federation and county level.

We hope that the provision given to each pupil will impact the rest of their lives. Our ambition is that every pupil, no matter their gender, religion or disabilities will reach their potential, both physically and mentally. We are committed to making sure that when pupils leave Godolphin they are confident to use the skills they have learned and adapt them into a range of sports, physical activities and everyday life. We hope all our pupils lead active and healthy lives, where the importance of exercise and having a balanced diet is imbedded into their lifestyles.