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Talk Time

Talk Time

Talk Time is an opportunity for pupils at Godolphin to have a supportive conversation with an adult that they can talk with regarding issues that may be concerning them. This conversation is held with a designated adult within our school, that the children can trust and can confide in, and the children have the option to invite a friend with them for support and comfort. 

If children want to talk to the trusted adult, they complete a Talk Time slip (every class has a wallet with these). The adult then receives the requests and provides the children with an appointment time. 

Talk Time has helped Godolphin children in many ways. For example: overcoming friendship issues, feeling lonely and with any medical concerns of theirs, or within their family. 

At Godolphin, we always ensure the best for our children, and so we check on their well-being within a few days of having a Talk Time session, and if they want to talk further, another appointment can be made.