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Ethos and Values
About Us

Ethos and Values

'Godolphin Grows Success'

Our aim at Godolphin is for every child to thrive. To achieve this, we are committed to creating the right conditions for our colleagues, our families and our community so that everyone can flourish. We are dedicated to serving our whole school community so that every child at GJA is a confident individual, who is proud of themselves, is successful and is ready for the next phase of their education. 

'Godolphin Grows Success' is the driving force behind ensuring everyone, every day is determined to achieve their personal best. 


Our values are our three diamond rules:

Show respect and good manners at all times.

Follow instructions with thought and care. 

Care for everyone and everything. 

We teach pupils how to demonstrate these qualities and behaviours in a weekly lesson called R Time. R Time stands for 'Relationships to Improve Education.' Throughout every area of our curriculum we continue to practise and live these important values.  

Through fully embracing these rules in our everyday life, Godolphin have created a school where relationships and well-being are at the centre of learning. Everybody who walks through the doors of our school is immediately greeted with a kind welcome, good manners and a positive, friendly atmosphere. Children care for one another and know that every adult in our school is championing them, has respect for their individuality and is committed to developing them to be responsible citizens.  

We also celebrate 'Citizen of the Month' awards. Achieving 'Citizen of the Month' is a proud moment for our pupils and school. This initiative is pupil led and each class writes a statement outlining why their chosen classmate has been a good citizen. 

At GJA, we continually build upon developing respectful relationships to provide our pupils with life-long skills to be positive citizens in wider society. Through R Time, we know if we can teach every child to be kind and respect others, then together we can make the world a better place.