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The 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Are able to reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics

At Godolphin Junior Academy, these skills are embedded and developed consistently, through well sequenced and progressive Maths lessons, pupils are provided the opportunity to obtain mastery. Maths is essential to everyday life and provides a foundation for understanding the world.

We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Maths throughout their lives. Pupils at GJA will be able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in a range of different contexts; apply reasoning and problem solving skills across the curriculum. We want all children to develop an inquisitive attitude, enjoy Mathematics and experience success in the subject.


At Godolphin Junior Academy our pupils engage in daily, high-quality Maths lessons. The first four sessions focus on specific mathematical strands, where pupils deepen their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts. In the fifth session, teachers focus on enhancing pupils’ arithmetic skills. Learners are given an opportunity to practice and embed these skills. 

Our teachers apply the following approach to all Maths lessons in order to implement our curriculum:

  • Teachers reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in Mathematics, regardless of starting points.
  • High quality Maths models are used to embed the understanding and application of mathematical concepts.
  • Use of the correct mathematical vocabulary is modelled by teachers and applied by pupils in all lessons.
  • Teachers use solo taxonomy questioning (deeper layers of questioning) to assess children and extend their understanding of concepts.
  • Through consistent questioning teachers are able to identify and address misconceptions within the lesson.
  • Differentiation is achieved through questioning and scaffolding resources to enable all pupils to achieve high standards. All learners have an opportunity to develop fluency skills and progress on to reasoning and problem solving.
  •  Live marking supports pupils by allowing them to consolidate their learning and progress on to reasoning problems. 

Mathematical topics are taught in a spiral curriculum, enabling pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding of concepts over time. New concepts are introduced by building on prior knowledge and making connections. Teachers apply solo taxonomy (deeper layers of questioning) to draw out pupils’ discussions and their understanding. This initial activity prompts pupils to apply mathematical vocabulary in their discussion and where appropriate have access to manipulatives to support their working out. The class teacher then models effective strategies to address misconceptions and solve the question.

Independent work provides the means for all children to develop their fluency, before progressing on to reasoning questions. Lessons provide the opportunity to achieve mastery, with all pupils having access to mathematical reasoning and problem solving questions within each topic. These questions develop pupils’ exploratory and investigative skills further.

Reasoning and problem solving questions are sourced from the Whiterose scheme and Deeper Understanding which have progressive challenges in each mathematical strand, to stretch pupils’ mathematical knowledge.

Arithmetic sessions focus on the modelling, practising and assessment of arithmetic skills. All sessions encourage pupils to address misconceptions and build on their fluency and speed. Teachers deliver high quality modelling of strategies to support pupils’ progression and all learners are given the opportunity to practice and consolidate their knowledge and skills.


The impact of our approach is that children at Godolphin achieve a high standard in Maths and are equipped with the mathematical knowledge and skills to enhance their opportunities in life.

As a result of the knowledge and skills acquired at GJA, our pupils consistently achieve great results in Maths.

Please see our end of KS2 pupil outcomes in Maths for 2022-2023. The figure in brackets in the National Average.

MATHS 2022-2023
Percentage achieving the expected standard or above

78% (73%)

Percentage exceeding the expected standard

40% (24%)



Average Scaled Score  106 (104)
National average achieving the expected



Maths overviews can be found below.