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Pupil Well-being

Pupil Well-being

''We were delighted to recently visit Godolphin Junior Academy during our Five-Year Anniversary to see how they've built the Premier League Primary Stars programme into the curriculum and witness first-hand the difference it has made to so many young people. Godolphin are clear champions of pupil wellbeing and bring to life our Wellbeing Stars resource in a fun and engaging way that makes an impact.''

Ross McKinley, Senior Education Programme Manager at The Premier League Charitable Fund.

Premier League Primary Stars

In June 2022, we had a camera crew from the Premier League come into our school. The Premier League, after listening to our story of how we use their resources to enhance well-being and mental health at our school, chose us to be their feature for their celebration of their 5 year anniversary!

We are extremely proud of our well-being and mental health support at our school and that it is recognised by such a prestigious, global brand. 

School Time Capsule

At the end of the academic year 2020-2021, The Godolphin Junior Academy entered into the ‘School Time Capsule’, a project led by BAFTA Kids, children’s mental health charity Place2Be and Oak National Academy. The ‘School Time Capsule’ invited pupils to use art, photography, writing or other media to portray how the pandemic affected them.

Three of our pupil’s entries, alongside those from other schools all over England, Scotland and Wales, have their memories of life during the coronavirus pandemic preserved in BAFTA’s prestigious headquarters. The pupils’ reflections on this important moment in history will be shared with future generations when the capsule is opened in 2047, marking BAFTA’s 100 year anniversary.

A short film featuring pupils’ work can be viewed below. We hope you enjoy the video.

GJA Well-being Initiatives

We have a wealth of initiatives and experiences to make sure our pupils feel happy and supported at school. This ranges from tailored pastoral interventions, having mental first aiders to talk to, clubs, trips, celebrations and even a weekly session on mindfulness. We pride ourselves on ensuring our pupils are nurtured, supported and guided in whatever way necessary to unlock their potential and feel confident in their learning.

Please read about our pupil well-being approaches to the right hand side.