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Staff Well-being

Staff Well-being

Well-being Charter

The Godolphin Junior Academy signed up to the education staff well-being charter in November 2021. The charter is a declaration of support for, and set of commitments to, the wellbeing and mental health of everyone working in education. We signed up to show that we have a shared commitment to protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing of our staff.


Staff Well-being Surveys 

At The Godolphin Junior Academy, we pride ourselves on the mental health and well-being work and support that we have for our students and members of staff. We have invested in an online mental health and well-being survey platform, designed for schools, to help understand, monitor and measure our pupil’s and staff’s well-being because we know that members of staff who are happy and feel safe in their work environment thrive. The online platform that we use is called BounceTogether. BounceTogether have preloaded surveys that cover a range of categories and is inclusive for our community as it has an immersive reader tool.

As a school, we have specifically chosen one of their staff feedback surveys to be conducted twice in an academic year. This is so that as a school we are aware of the strengths and needs across our community, able to make changes where appropriate and to help us gain and understand the views of staff members. Conducting the survey twice in an academic year allows us to track improvements and compare and evaluate the evidence.