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Useful Links and Contacts for Well-being Support

Useful Links and Contacts for Well-being Support

Below are website links that contain mental health and wellbeing advice for parents/carers with how to best support your child. 


Family Screen Time Information

To promote a better relationship with our screens and devices, the Safeguarding Hub has released a Family Activity Pack. This is based on the very latest research and is full of fun and exciting ways to promote healthy screen time habits - for the whole family!

It encourages a healthy balance between online and the real world. Please click below to view the pack.

Here are two short videos too:

Kooth - Parent/Carer Guidance

The guidance below was designed by Kooth, which is a free and safe well-being service. They have put together this useful guide for parents and carers to help recognise when a child or young person is struggling with a mental illness. 

The guidance is developed by Kooth's clinical team and will help parents and carers better understand and be aware of the warning signs of mental illness as well as signposting to organisations that can provide support. There are also tips on how to best support your child's mental and emotional health, and advice for starting a conversation with them about mental health.