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Class Assemblies

Every class takes it in turns to write, create and perform a class assembly. These class assemblies are often based upon what the class have been learning about in their topic or it could be about a theme or event that is current or special to them. Each class member will have a role in the assembly which could be reading, acting, or sharing examples of work. The class work collaboratively to devise their assembly and then rehearse and perform it. This year, each class has filmed their assembly in the classroom. You can find the videos below. We hope you enjoy watching them. 

Our assembly rota is developed around the our core school values of

  • Respect
  • Tolerance
  • Courage
  • Determination
  • Friendship
  • Compassion

Our Assemblies promote...

  • British values including local, national and international democracy,
  • the rule of law,
  • mutual respect,
  • individual liberty,
  • tolerance of different faiths and cultures,
  • include time for pupils to respond to World events
  • and links to our PSHCE scheme.