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What is COG?

We are an organisation of parents and staff whose role is to encourage closer links between home and school. We are known for our fundraising work, but have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to work together.

Meet the COG team 

              Chair – Jasdeep Bansel (staff)

        Vice Chair – Farzanah Iqbal (parent)

                    Secretary – Farzanah Iqbal (parent) and Kully Dhinsa (staff)

   Finance – Rani Lakha (staff)

 Staff representative – Farah Qureishi

       Year 3 parent representatives – Jaswant Kaur, Mehnaz Fatima, Asma Janjua

       Year 4 parent representatives – Noor Begum, Khadeeja Saleem, Asad Malik, Navjot Kaur

        Year 5 parent representatives – Farzanah Iqbal, Tehmina Khan

        Year 6 parent representatives – Barbara Fuk, Nancy Lupian, Alka Sharma

How is our COG group organised?

You can automatically become a member of COG, whether parents or staff. We will hold an annual general meeting in October and at this meeting a committee is elected to run the COG – usually consisting of a chair, a vice-chair, a treasurer, a secretary and ordinary committee members. These ordinary members include at least one parent from each class as 'class reps'. Their job is to pass on information from the COG to other parents in their child’s class. This could be via word of mouth, flyers, email or other social media.

Our COG committee usually meets once a term and set up smaller working groups to organise individual events throughout the year. You can join the team at any point of the year.

How is money raised?

We raise money through events, often holding one main event each school term—this is something to be decided on and planned in. Other COG events could include discos, ice pop sales, cake sales and many more. We will always be looking for new fundraising ideas from everyone.

How is money spent?

Funds raised by COG are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school's main income –

often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting.

The COG committee and the Principal will decide how to spend COG funds. This could include i-pads, computers, playground equipment, a school minibus and smaller purchases such as prizes for each class, wet playtime games for the classes, fun activities to celebrate key events over the year. 

How could you be involved?

There are many different ways that you can help, whether you have lots of time to offer or just the occasional hour. Some roles within COG can be time-consuming so the more parents that join the better, to help us share out tasks. No matter how much you can help, it will be greatly appreciated and you can be assured that working on the team is very rewarding. If you are only able to offer a small amount of time we are always grateful for parents to run a stall or bake a cake. Even just turning up to support events is a huge help!


           Mrs Bansel              Mrs Lakha                Mrs Dhindsa     

via the school office email with your  name and contact details if

you want to join the team or just to find out more.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to your child’s school.