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Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership

Head Pupils

This academic year, we have welcomed Abdullah, Hafsa, Syed and Anam as our Head Pupils. 

In order to achieve this prestigious position within our school the pupils must enter a rigorous selection process. This involves pupils having to write and deliver a speech to their peers about why they should have the role as head pupil. The pupils who are selected to proceed to the next stage of the selection process then have to lead a tour of the school and demonstrate skills such as social interaction, articulation, knowledge of our whole school and a clear passion for learning at GJA. Following that, the final stage of the selection process is to answer some challenging leadership questions from Mrs Abell, our principal. 

We are incredibly proud of the ambition, determination, confidence and resilience that our head pupils demonstrated and their achievement in securing these roles is thoroughly well-deserved. 

As Head Pupils, these children will be an ambassador for our school both internally and externally. They will be a role model for pupils, staff, parents and visitors to our school. As well as this, our Head Pupils will attend school events and take an active role in presenting and speaking at these special occasions. Head pupils will also liaise with the school council, SLT and our Academy Council. 

Lastly, our Head Pupils keep the rest of the school and their fellow pupils updated with recent current affairs and post interesting and relevant news stories on the Head Pupil board. This is because our Head Pupils contribute to preparing all pupils to understand the world around them and to apply their knowledge in every day situations and for the future. 

Well done Head Pupils, we are proud of you. You represent GJA so well. 

School Council

Each year, two pupils from each class in the school are elected to join our school council. Under the guidance of Mrs Tudor, our school council then meet once a week to discuss decisions that affect their lives. The pupils are able to voice their own opinions and share the viewpoints they have collected from their classmates on key topics about our school and our community. The school council feed their views, thoughts and suggestions back to the senior leadership team to enable them to have a direct influence and impact on our school. At GJA, we strongly value pupil voice and the important role our school council play in making GJA a success. 

Young Leaders

Our team of young leaders are role models to all pupils in the school. Young leaders can be instantly recognised as they wear a yellow school jumper. This is so pupils know they can approach their peers for help and support. Young leaders help children on the playground to play positively, make friendships and resolve issues. Young leaders also lead games and activities with the aim to encourage their peers to participate in structured, positive play. As well as this, young leaders represent our school at special events and occasions by ensuring the event runs smoothly and engaging our whole school community in professional conversation about GJA. Young leaders have a responsibility to continually promote and teach our three diamond rules: care for everyone and everything, follow instructions with thought and care, show respect and good manners at all times. 

Eco Warriors

At GJA, we have a dedicated group of pupils called the Eco Warriors. These pupils are passionate about their role as global citizens and they lead their peers and the rest of the school in initiatives to be more environmentally friendly. You can read even more about the Eco Warriors and their mission on the Eco Warrior page. 

Science Explorers

Science explorers at GJA have a passion for all things Science. These pupils ignite a love for Science in classrooms across our school. Their role is to promote Science work, share examples of excellent work and feedback to our Science subject leaders about Science at GJA. Further to this, they help to organise and promote Science events in our work such as Science week and Science assemblies. 

Charity Champions

At GJA, we have Charity Champions. These students help raise awareness and money for charities such as Children in Need, Remembrance Day and many more! Under the guidance of Mrs Paulino, these students promote and run events and support in collecting charitable donations.

Supportive Stars

At GJA, we have 2 supportive stars in each class. These pupils promote wellbeing, lead on wellbeing events/occasions, support other pupils on the playground and are a 'buddy' to a new pupil that joins our school. These students can be identified by their yellow star badge. 

Active Ambassadors

Our Active Ambassadors help promote Active Movement at GJA. Our Active Ambassadors have pledged to support themselves, their peers and their family members to remain active and eat healthily. These students encourage others to sit less, stand more and go for regular walks so that this improves their health and wellbeing.