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At Godolphin, we often use the phrase 'reading is breathing in and writing is breathing out'. Through the Power of Reading approach, we equip our children with the language, ideas, and imaginative content that they need to write. Then, within our daily writing lessons we teach children the tools of writing and how to organise their creative ideas with style, flair and grammatical accuracy. 

Our pupils are given opportunities to write across different subject areas and for different purposes. We have an end of year writing criteria for each year group which is progressive and builds upon prior learning and skills. 

Every half term, our pupils will produce two pieces of extended writing that links to their class text. These pieces will be published and will then be showcased in the pupil's writing folder. 

As well as this, we ensure that every foundation subject has an extended writing opportunity attached to each unit so that pupils can make connections in their knowledge and write across different subject areas. 

Children at Godolphin feel motivated to write and their maturity and confidence shines through their carefully crafted pieces. We enjoy celebrating the high standard of writing that is produced at GJA. 


Pupils at Godolphin have a daily writing lesson that is based on their class text. Pupils will use their knowledge to write in a range of genres, styles and formalities and they will progress through our progressive  writing expectations.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar is taught through text and in reading and writing lessons. However, each year group also has a weekly spelling and grammar lesson to reinforce these key skills. 

All pupils will also have access to the online platform Spelling Shed were they can practise their weekly spellings. 

We ensure that every year group has the opportunity to publish at least two pieces of extended writing every half term. This means that by the end of each year, every pupil will have added at least twelve pieces of writing to their writing portfolios. These twelve pieces of extended writing will showcase a balance of fiction and non-fiction writing and will include a wide range of writing genres. 


The impact of our writing approach is that children can write at length, across different subject areas and for a range of purposes and audiences. Pupils are GJA are confident writers and the result of writing from a text based curriculum can be seen in their work as there is an abundance of examples of use of author language and style and implementation of literary language and vocabulary. 

Pupil writing portfolios evidence how pupils make progress across the year and across key stage two. Children are able to talk about how their writing has improved and they can identify how to make further improvements to their writing. 

Pupils exceed the national average in writing outcomes at Godolphin and make significantly above average progress. Please click the link to view our end of KS2 outcomes:

Spelling Shed

Click below to see how to use Spelling Shed. The more practise your child has - the better!